electronics & appliances

wmf repair


wmf, short for württembergische metallwarenfabrik, is a german tableware brand renowned for its high-quality cutlery, cookware, kitchen utensils, and professional coffee machines. founded in 1853 in geislingen an der steige, wmf has established itself as a staple in both professional kitchens and households alike, combining traditional craftsmanship with innovative technology to enhance the culinary experience.

origin: the brand's journey began in the picturesque town of geislingen an der steige, germany, where it quickly gained a reputation for its exceptional silver-plated tableware. over the years, wmf has expanded its portfolio to include a wide range of kitchen and dining products, staying true to its roots of quality and innovation.

fun fact: wmf is not only a pioneer in the kitchenware industry but also holds a guinness world record for creating the world's largest cookware, a massive frying pan that was showcased at a culinary event.

repairability: wmf is committed to sustainability and the longevity of its products. many of the brand's items are designed to be repairable, ensuring that they can serve their owners for years to come. from replacing parts on kitchen appliances to offering maintenance tips for cutlery and cookware, wmf supports the repairability of its products to reduce waste and promote a sustainable lifestyle.

booking repair: for those looking to repair their wmf products, the fix1 app is your go-to solution. the app simplifies the process of finding reliable repair services, offering recommendations and bookings at your fingertips. whether it's a professional coffee machine that needs servicing or a cherished piece of cookware, the fix1 app connects you with experts who can extend the life of your wmf products.

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wmf repair

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let's make sure that each of our products gets fixed at least once during its lifetime.

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